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Máquina automática de café e café expresso De'Longhi Dinamica TrueBrew (café gelado), moedor de rebarbas, espumador ajus...




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Inverno Blumenau importados

Máquina automática de café e café expresso De'Longhi Dinamica TrueBrew (café gelado), moedor de rebarbas, espumador ajus...

De: R$ 18.905,10Por: R$ 15.502,18ou X de

Economia de R$ 3.402,92

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Opções de Parcelamento:
  • à vista R$ 15.502,18
  • 2X de R$ 7.751,09 sem juros
  • 3X de R$ 5.167,39 sem juros
  • 4X de R$ 3.875,54 sem juros
  • 5X de R$ 3.100,43 sem juros
  • 6X de R$ 2.583,69 sem juros
  • 7X de R$ 2.214,59 sem juros
  • 8X de R$ 1.937,77 sem juros
  • 9X de R$ 1.722,46 sem juros
  • 10X de R$ 1.550,21 sem juros
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Produto importado dos Estados Unidos o prazo de entrega e de ate 25 dias uteis As importacoes sao oficiais atraves do Regime de Tributacao Simplificada da Receita Federal O preco inclui imposto de Importacao ICMS Frete Nacional Frete Internacional Servicos Alfandegarios e a intermediacao de cambio para pagamento no exterior O preco ja inclui todos os custos nao sera cobrado nenhum valor extra para o recebimento do produto ATENCAO Todos os produtos eletricos sao 110V e necessitam de adaptador para a tomada no formato brasileiro The first and only fully automatic coffee machine with De Longhi TrueBrew Over Ice Coffee technologyThe True Brew Process Delivers Smooth FullBodied Iced Coffee Dinamica with De Longhi TrueBrew Over Ice feature is the first and only Fully Automatic Coffee and Espresso Machine with iced coffee recipe By brewing at a lower temperature preinfusing e infusing the coffee and offering the ability to customize to extra strong De Longhi TrueBrew Over Ice brews smooth fullbodied coffee over ice that is never watered downHeatup time in less than 40 seconds With Italian 15 bar high performance pump and a brew unit that takes only 40 seconds to heat up you can have coffee shop quality coffee beverages with the push of a buttonBrew The Freshest Coffee With bean to cup brewing system and a breakthrough builtin steel burr grinder you can expect the freshest cup of coffee every time unlike competitor machines Dinamica does not leave grounds in the brew unitThe Simplest Machine To Clean With a removable brew unit and dishwashersafe drip tray this machine takes half the time and cost to clean compared vs competitor models and without the use of chemicalsAdjustable steel burr grinder with 13 settings Dinamica features an adjustable steel burr grinder for total control of the grind and beverage strength While the Dinamica comes with a recommended grind setting you have the option to customize according to your coffee roast origin and personal taste preferencesPremium Adjustable Frother Choose Cappuccino settings on the frother and enjoy Italian classic cappuccino with a dryer texture milkfoam or select Hot Milk setting for your latteFroths Your Favorite Milk Perfectly Whether you prefer soy almond coconut rice or cow s milk you ll have dense and creamy foam that outperforms the competition Frothing quality will vary depending on the type of dairy or nondairy milk selected DeLonghi recommends cold skim or 2 dairy milk cold or nondairy milks that are found in the refrigerator case at the storeCustomized OneTouch Drinks Adjust the size and strength precisely with five strength settings from extra mild to extra strongand the ability to program drink lengths based on your preferences andor to fit perfectly in your favorite cup for a more personalized beverage You shouldn t have to settle for a watereddown version of your favorite iced coffee at home By brewing at a lower temperature reinfusing and offering the ability to customize to extra strong


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      Informações Adicionais


          Quantidade de peças

            Largura (cm)

              Profundidade (cm)

                Altura (cm)




                      Peso (kg)

                        Capacidade (ml)

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